Free Beer And Other Attention-Grabbing Ideas


Digital SEO Marketing much like all other marketing is about getting some attention.  OK, so, of course, there is no free Beer (how would that work in a blog anyway…), and I feel a tad terrible for using such a cliché – but it hopefully grabbed a bit of attention. Attention grabbing ideas are vital to your online marketing success, and so you really need to make sure you think about ways to get people actually looking at the quality content you have created.

Because, it is not enough to simply have quality content sitting on your website if no one knows that it is there -So make sure you invest your time and effort into a content promotions strategy. It is true that while organic searches will eventually discover your content if your keyword and link profiles are sufficient there is a better way to go about it. Strategic Promotion. The aim here is to get two distinct results: interaction through likes and shares that contribute to your organic performance, and secondly, decrease the need to rely solely on a Search Engine to bring in traffic.

So, to do this, here are some different approaches to take with your Strategic Promotion Campaign:


If you have a newsletter, ensure that it is updated regularly, and focus on producing quality and engaging content. You don’t want these to simply sit unread by your subscribers. A way to approach this would be to look into various programs that provide feedback and data on newsletter engagement. And ultimately, you don’t want subscribers who were conned into signing up, rather you want them eager to hear the latest news from your business.

Social Media:

There are various avenues for content promotion through Social Media, both paid and unpaid, but can be as simple as driving the focus towards a ‘call to action’ or including links and quality content for your followers to share.

Join the conversation:

One of the best parts of social media is the ability to join and contribute to the wider conversation that may be going on in your industry. It will let you know more about the latest information and decisions as well as how your target audience would be responding to various changes. One way to know how to tailor your efforts would be to look into websites such as ‘’.


Target those with influence:

If you are engaging with your specific industry or market sphere, you should be having a bit of an idea of whom some of the most prominent people in your industry are and who has an element of influence. This could vary from competitors to experts in the field or even critics. When you are producing quality content, sometimes a personalised message to these figures could help to not only get more exposure but even endorsements of your efforts.          

Link it all together:

When publishing any content, whether on-site, off-site, in your newsletter or on social media, don’t just tie it back to the website, but draw attention to the other content. A good way to do this would be to periodically publish a highlights version of your content. While it may seem crazy to say in a book about SEO that you need to look beyond it but this makes a lot of sense. It should be apparent by now that SEO is more encompassing than just keywords and links. You need to have a comprehensive strategy going forward across a number of platforms and fronts so as to build your visibility and brand.  And besides, every effort you do to raise awareness of your brand supports the efforts of a professional SEO campaign, and vice versa.

As the CEO of Slingshot Internet Marketing, I know the struggles that many people have when starting off the SEO, especially when it comes to understanding keywords. I myself ran a small business for a number of years and had to learn SEO from scratch and by a lot of trial and error.  So remember to start off strong and use the information that you know. Once you have built that foundation, learn as much as possible about SEO and be patient with the results. If you come to a stage when you are unsure or want to set your business apart from the rest, then consider having a chat to an SEO professional at